Who We Are

The ABVTA Staff and Board of Directors value approachability by being available, openminded and welcoming to all our members. We demonstrate integrity by being honest, reliable, respectful and ethical in our approach to animals and people. We demonstrate professionalism by our dedication to excellence in the veterinary field. Teamwork is the foundation of our ability to provide compassionate and exceptional animal health care.

The ABVTA was founded to provide member services such as, continuing education, public awareness and to promote animal care and welfare. The ABVTA is a non-profit, non-union, member driven organization led by a Board of Directors whose emphasis is on the advancement of animal health technology as a profession so that its members may better serve the industry.

The ABVTA Board consists of the following: President, Past President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and 3 – 6 General Directors. All Directors elected may serve three consecutive two-year terms with the exception of the Vice President. This individual will serve consecutively as Vice President, President and Past President for a 3-year term in addition to previously served time as a General Director. Other positions on the Board include liaison to the standing committees and special project chairperson. All Directors contribute to the month-to-month administration, policy development, development and delivery of member services, as well as the annual and future strategic planning of the ABVTA’s activities.

2025 ABVTA Board of Directors:

ABVTA Executive:

Karen Langtved, RVT

Shea Lee, RVT

Candace Olive, RVT

Karen Melnyk, RVT

Directors at Large:

Student Representative
Shelby Bennett, RVT

Treena Barnett-Ritcey, RVT

Jade Maser, RVT

Megan Niles, RVT

Rennay Halbert, RVT

Marissa Adie, RVT


ABVTA Past President and
Board Rep to ABVMA Council
Angela Denbow, RVT

ABVMA Council Rep to ABVTA Board
Dr Jodie Viste, RVT

Executive Director Vanessa George, RVT

AHT/VT Representatives:

Elaine Suddaby, RVT

Joshua Rozenhardt, RVT

Darcie Steffler, RVT

Kristy Honing, RVT